Ágnes is an expert in the field of behaviour analysis, specialising in reading nemotions, and evaluating truthfulness and credibility. She holds a MSc degree in Communication, Behaviour and Credibility Analysis issued by the reputable Manchester Metropolitan University, and a master’s degree in law from Eötvös Lóránd University (Budapest, Hungary). Ágnes is among those handful of people globally who own a SCAnS Trainer as well as a SCAnS Coder Certificate. Due to her keen interest in facial expressions, she is also certified with the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), a tool used for the precise measurement of the muscle movements displayed on the human face.

As the co-founder and trainer of the NonVerbal Academy, a training and consulting company, Ágnes has experience in delivering behaviour analysis training programs to corporate clients from an array of sectors including financial and legal services, construction, commerce, education and human resources.

Ágnes is eager to share the innovations of this fascinating field of science with her clients by offering training programs that provide them with evidence-based knowledge as well as real, practical skills to increase their emotional awareness and enhance their ability to accurately evaluate the behaviour and credibility of others.

EmotionIntell Conference 2025

Don't Miss Out on the EmotionIntell® Conference 2025!

13-15 July 2025 | Manchester, UK

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